Homeowners on Fairley Road in Ross Township, Pennsylvania, say their neighbor Bill Ansell is terrorizing them year round with his hostile anti-Christmas spirit Ansell, an electrician, has a display on his yard that features a beheaded choir The deal-tracking experts at dealnews highlighted a few of the best post-Christmas Christmas decorations sales at the end of and indoor and outdoor decorations—much is available for purchase online with free shipping, though there may be even lower Carley told CBS4 partner KKTV she didn’t know where the decorations came from. “Every morning he’d go out for a walk, at like 2 or 3, and then there was just more stuff in the yard,” Carley told the station. Lewallen spent Christmas morning in jail. KDKA-TVWelcome to KDKA-TV on CBSPittsburgh.com! KDKA-TV is joining forces with the most trusted local CBS RADIO stations in Pittsburgh to give you the best Pittsburgh has to offer. KDKA-TV is part of CBS Television Stations, [] NewsRadio 1020 If you're tired of the same old outdoor holiday decorating routine of simply wrapping a tree and wrap the whole affair in a strand of Christmas lights to create a glowing sphere you can suspend from a tree. While that part of it is interesting, more A married couple allegedly took on the role of "Grinch" this Christmas season and stole Christmas displays from dozens of Colorado Springs families and then there was just more stuff in the yard," Carley said. "I didn't know exactly where it all .
It may be April, but one yard in Norwalk was filled with Christmas decorations that were for sale Saturday. Rick and Joan Setti put up lots of decorations every Christmas, turning their Norwalk yard into a winter wonderland. They even won the "Great From balloons and horses to traditional crowns and stars, Christmas decorations in all shapes have also competed to lure shoppers through their doors with glamorous outdoor displays. From Christmas trees positioned between the pillars at Selfridges The video shows three young men running onto his lawn, pulling up Christmas lights, kicking over decorations and using a candy cane from Simon’s yard to smash a light-up tree. Once they were done, you see them take off on foot. Mansfield police said the Surveillance video shows a man stealing holiday decorations putting up lights and setting up outdoor ornaments, which included a blow up Santa and snowman -- both over five feet tall. Both were part of the decorations the thief made off with on .
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